Accident / Incident / Near Miss Reporting and Investigation - Annual Report

Program Description

EH&S investigates accidents, incidents, near misses, and reports of hazards from SFSU community.

The goal of these investigations is to determine what happened / what could have happened, what could have been potential causes of the event, and what can be done to  avoid a similar event anywhere at SFSU, ever again.

In addition, injuries defined as “serious” by Cal/OSHA must be reported to them as soon as possible and within 8 hours of the event. Reports of these "serious" injuries to Cal/OSHA are made by the EH&S Director, or his backup for these matters, the Worker’s Compensation Manager, both of whom are available 24/7 for this purpose.

CY 2023 Update

During CY 23, no reportable injuries had to be reported to Cal/OSHA.

In September, EH&S responded to concerns about mold in HSS at an online town hall meeting.