EH&S Training

Compliance training is required of all CSU employees. Cal/OSHA, Cal/EPA and other local, state, and federal regulations and codes require employers to provide training.

Training can be done in person or online. Employees are assigned online courses using CSU Learn, the CSU learning management system (LMS). Active-status students and other non-employee members of the university community may now access CSU Learn if they have an SFSU email address.

CSU Learn Tutorials and Instructions

A question and answer guide and short video tutorials to solve common issues are available on the CSU Learn and EHS webpage.

EHS Compliance Training

Safety and other compliance courses are set up as curricula. A user selects the REGISTER button after opening the assigned training. There may be one or more learning activities within each assigned curriculum structure.

Only EH&S staff can assign this training in CSU Learn, however the EH&S curricula can be accessed by anyone who can sign-in. Contact EH&S for assistance.


Curriculum Title  Description Agency Frequency
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Employers must communicate the provisions of their program and make it
available to their employees.
Cal/OSHA Every 3 years
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Employers are required to train their employees on their site Emergency Action
Plan (EAP) so they know the emergency procedures for their workplace.
Cal/OSHA Every 3 years
Hazard Communication Program (HazCom) Employers must train their employees about their Hazard Communication
program and how to access the chemical inventory for their work area, the associated
Safety Data Sheets and how to read label hazard information
on the chemicals and products they use or are exposed to at work.
Cal/OSHA Every 3 years 
Workplace Violence Prevention (WVPP) (New Law!) Employers must develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) and train their employees on the provisions of the plan starting July 1, 2024. Cal/OSHA Annually




This is not a complete list of all available EHS training targeted for specific job types or hazards. Contact EH&S for other compliance and safety training required for your situation.

Curriculum Title  Description Agency Frequency
Hazardous Waste Handler Federal, State, and local regulations require employers to ensure all employees who generate or handle hazardous waste receive training on how to store, label, and handle the waste streams they generate correctly. Training is required before an employee can handle hazardous waste or fill out waste labels without direct supervision of a trained individual. Two versions: Laboratories and Non-Laboratories Cal/EPA Annual
Laboratory Safety Fundamentals The CSU requires all laboratory workers to complete this course that covers common laboratory
hazards and the equipment and work practices used to protect people from injury or illness. NEW from the CSU, a revamped course to be assigned summer 2024.



Respirator Training Cal/OSHA’s Respirator Protection program requires annual training (and fit testing + medical review) for employees who are required to wear respirators to protect them from work-related inhalation hazards Cal/OSHA Annual
Universal Waste Handler The California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) oversees the regulations for managing universal wastes such as used batteries, electronic devices, lamps or light bulbs, aerosol cans, photovoltaic cells, and CRTs and CRT glass. Annual training of employees who are designated as Universal Waste Handlers and their direct supervisors or managers is required. Cal/EPA Annual
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Prevention Cal/OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens standard requires annual training for employees who have occupational exposure to human blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Employees subject to this training include those who have patient interactions in the Student Heath Center, required to provide first aid as part of their jobs, or work with unpreserved human tissues or blood. Cal/OSHA Annual
Heat Illness Prevention Cal/OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor Places of Employment standard covers employees who work outdoors in hot environments and requires annual training. It requires employers to develop and implement written procedures, provide shade and water, and train employees and supervisors about heat illness prevention. Cal/OSHA Annual
Biological Waste Management in the Sciences  SF State has established a Biosafety Program for the science labs that store, use, or handle biological materials (cell cultures, bacteria, animal blood). To maintain compliance with the CA Medical Waste Management Act, the university has implemented separate storage, labeling and handling procedures for potentially infectious waste (requiring BSL-2 precautions) and non-infectious waste. CA DPH, SFSU Bi-Annual
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training Portable fire extinguisher training is required for all occupants in Hensill or Thornton Hall because these high-rise buildings containing laboratories that use flammable liquids and solids are not sprinklered. Instructor led hands-on training can be arranged by contacting EH&S. SFSU One Time
Training Name Purpose 
Employer's Notification of Asbestos-Containing Materials

The state of California requires employers to notify their employees of areas that contain asbestos or asbestos-containing materials

Asbestos Program - SFSU Webpage

Introduction to and Overview of CSU Executive Order 1039

The Chancellor's Office has established an EHS policy that includes training and work practice responsibilities for all faculty, staff and students

CSU EO 1039 - SFSU Webpage


In-Person Training

Some work-specific training does have to be done in-person or via live webinar. This includes reviewing task-specific safety procedures (SOPs), and other information like that below:

  • Overseeing new employees while they are learning the job
  • Going over the chemical hazards, precautions, and Safety Data Sheets for chemicals used on the job
  • Evacuation and emergency procedures for the specific work location(s)
  • Showing employees how to choose, wear and care for their personal protective equipment

Science laboratories that work with hazardous materials or equipment provide new lab member safety orientations that must be documented.

Upcoming EH&S - Related Training