Campus Biosafety Commitee


The Campus Biosafety Committee (BSC) is responsible for addressing matters related to biosafety in labs.

In addition to dealing with emerging biosafety issues, the committee also serves as a sounding board for EH&S policies regarding biosafety. Note: The current biosafety committee does not serve as an Institutional Biosafety Committee a described by the N.I.H. guidelines



The BSC meets as needed to review chemical safety policies and issues as they arise.



Membership of the committee is composed of the Biosafety Officer (BSO), the EH&S Director, Chairperson of the Biology Department (or their designee) and available Biology personnel involved in, or knowledgeable about, the issues at hand.



The Biosafety Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of the Biology Department (or their designee). The BSO prepares the agendas, schedules the meetings, and arranges for meeting minutes.