Program Description
Maintaining an accurate chemical inventory is required by multiple regulations.
- Fire departments need to know what chemical hazards (and quantities thereof) they might encounter before entering a burning building.
- OSHA regulations require a chemical inventory to ensure employees are properly trained on the chemical hazards they might encounter on the job.
- Environmental regulations require a chemical inventory to determine environmental hazards, required emergency plans, and appropriate regulatory storage fees.
To facilitate maintaining an accurate chemical inventory, the CSU has provided campuses with RSS Chemicals software that includes a barcoding function. SFSU labs, with help from EH&S, are in the process of barcoding their inventories and maintaining them online.
The software also assists in by producing several required regulatory reports saving many hours of labor.
CY 2024 Update
In CY 2024, as the move to the new Science & Engineering Innovation Center building is completed, labs continued to update and manage their chemical inventories in the RSS software.