Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals

Controlled substances and precursor chemicals are used at SF State in research, teaching and Student Health Services. These substances are regulated by the State of California and the US Drug Enforcement Agency.

Precursor Chemicals

DEA’s strategy in curtailing illicit drug manufacturing is to control raw chemicals necessary to produce legal and illegal drugs called ‘precursor chemicals’ listed in CFR 21 §1310.02(a) [List I] and §1310.02(b) [List II]. These chemicals have the potential to be used in the manufacture of controlled substances. State and federal laws require that vendors follow stringent regulations regarding distribution of these chemicals. For purchase of precursor chemicals, contact your department stockroom or applicable support staff. Review the written controlled substances program for more information about precursor chemicals. Please contact EH&S if you have questions.

Controlled Substances

A controlled substance (CS) is a narcotic or non-narcotic drug under the jurisdiction of the federal Controlled Substances Act and the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act, including but not limited to those substances listed in 21 CFR § 1308.11-1308.15. The use of controlled substances in research is subject to regulations by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the California Department of Justice (CA-DOJ).

SF State Program

At SFSU, the Controlled Substance Program Administrator is the Animal Care Facility Manager, the person designated on the DEA Controlled Substance Registration Certificate that manages the acquisition, use and storage of controlled substances. The Animal Care Facility Manager's responsibility only covers the controlled substances used in research and academic activities related to SFSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) programs.

Other uses of controlled substances will require the researcher to apply for a separate DEA registration. The written controlled substances program specifies the process for getting department approval and involving EH&S. EH&S manages the written program, establishes the institutional procedures required to maintain compliance with applicable federal and state regulations, and conducts program audits. For questions about procuring or using controlled substances, please contact or call 415-338-2565. 

Procedure Flow Charts


All controlled substances users must be trained on storage and record keeping requirements.


Return unwanted controlled substances to the Animal Care Facility Manager, that are part of his DEA registration. Other unwanted or unused controlled substances must be surrendered to EH&S. Contact for assistance. 

Make Safety Happen, SF State, Environment, Health & Safety