Electronic Waste Disposal Days

The San Francisco State University Environment, Health, & Safety Department is proud to announce that this year's Annual Electronic Waste Disposal Event will take place:


                                                                                                  11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

                                                                     Wednesday, May 8th and Thursday, May 9th 

                                                                     Between the Humanities and Fine Arts Building


As we anticipate a high volume of students, staff, and faculty transitioning from the spring semester to summer, we want to provide an opportunity for everyone to properly dispose of their electronic waste to prevent improper disposal of these potentially dangerous and toxic wastes to our landfills! 


Attached are the event flyer, a list of accepted waste items, and a wayfinding map. We understand that there may be comments and questions leading up to and during the event, so we have decided to be accessible through the following platforms:


·         Email: sfehs@sfsu.edu

·         Phone: SFSU Environment, Health, & Safety Department at 415.338.2565 or DK at 415.542.8046


Finally, we would love for YOU to help spread the word about our event so that we have the highest turnout possible! The more electronic waste we collect, the more we keep out of landfills! Feel free to disburse the provided attachments, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. 


Together, we can Make Safety Happen!

Make Safety Happen, SF State, Environment, Health & Safety