Hazardous Waste Disposal Program - Annual Report

Program Description

Each campus has been assigned a hazardous waste generator EPA ID number used to track wastes generated at each site.

  • SFSU’s main campus is classified as a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) of hazardous wastes. As such the site can accumulate hazardous waste for up to 90 days.
  • The Romberg Tiburon Center (RTC) is classified as a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) that can accumulate waste up to 180 days.

EH&S’ environmental compliance specialists arrange for periodic disposal of the waste using licensed contractors that deliver the waste to permitted disposal facilities. 

EH&S’ environmental compliance specialists are responsible for signing the hazardous waste manifest for each shipment and for all of the related program activities such as: record keeping, contracting, paying bills and regulatory fees, scheduling, permitting, completing annual regulatory reports, etc.


CY 2024 Update

In CY 24, SFSU disposed of 41777 pounds of hazardous wastes at a cost of $130707.02 with invoices from vendors still pending submission and payment. 

In Q3, an amended contract with our disposal vendor led to a significant increase in disposal costs

Hazardous Waste Disposal Pounds vs Cost Graph