Injury and Illness Prevention (IIPP): Training - Annual Report

Cal/OSHA requires employers to have a written Injury & Illness Prevention program (IIPP). The IIPP describes how employers will effectively comply with the required elements of a basic safety program. The SFSU assigned training includes CSU-wide IIPP program elements and an overview of the SFSU IIPP.

The SFSU written IIPP is posted on the EH&S website and is readily available.

Training Requirements

Training on the IIPP is required of all employees and is assigned as a CSU Learn online course with two learning activities and a quiz.

CY 2023 Update

As of the end of CY 2023, 67% of SFSU staff and faculty had completed this required training. 

In CY 2023, the CSU incorporated Covid training in the CSU IIPP course and removed the existing Covid course. Separate Covid training is no longer required.