Lab Hazard Assessment - Annual Report

Cal/OSHA requires assessments to identify hazards annually and when hazards change. To conduct these assessments, SFSU uses the on-line RSS software tool provided by the Chancellor’s Office. The assessment consists of a series of yes or no questions that define a lab’s hazards.

Inspection Requirements

At SFSU, we interpret this requirement to mean that we shall conduct lab hazard assessments at the start of the Spring and Fall semesters in both teaching and research labs. The RSS Assessment app requires lab hazard assessments to be reviewed and re-certified at least every 6 months to better correspond the the Fall and Spring semester review periods.

Once completed, each member of the lab must view and sign-off on the list of hazards identified for the assessment to be “certified” in the system.

CY 2023 Update

In calendar year 2023, doubling the number of required hazard assessments to twice a year left us short of completing our new target number of lab hazard assessments .