Laser Safety Committee


The Laser Safety Committee (LSC) is responsible for addressing matters related to laser safety and other non-ionizing radiation issues. The committee also discusses Laser Use Authorizations (LUAs) that are approved by the Laser Safety Officer (LSO). LUAs provide assurance that the use of lasers requested, their operation, and the experience of the personnel involved are appropriate to ensure adherence to the rules and regulations governing laser safety.



The LSC meets as needed to review the Laser Safety Program and to consider matters needing its attention.



Membership of the committee is composed of the Laser Safety Officer (LSO), the EH&S Director, and relevant holders of current Laser Use Authorizations, or their designated alternates.



The Laser Safety Committee is chaired by a faculty laser user. The LSO prepares the agendas, schedules the meetings, and arranges for meeting minutes.