The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) oversees and facilitates the use of ionizing radiation sources in research and instruction, helping to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. The CA Dept of Public Health – Radiologic Health Branch (RHB) regulates the use of ionizing radiation sources. Ionizing radiation safety at SFSU consists of two separate programs: radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation-producing equipment, such as x-ray machines.
Note: Uranyl acetate, used in electron microscopy, is weakly radioactive and a radioactive materials license is not required to purchase it. However, it must be disposed of as radioactive waste. Contact the RSO or EHS before purchase.
Radioactive Materials
San Francisco State University has an academic radioactive materials license with the California Radiologic Health Branch (RHB). Each "supervisor" of a lab or operation using radioactive materials must be approved by the RHB and included on the license by name. Contact the RSO or EH&S for assistance if you plan to obtain or use radioactive materials, including uranyl acetate.
RHB approved Radiation Safety Program
Designated Radiation Safety Officer approved by the RHB
- Radioactive materials storage and use limits
- Use, inspection and inventory recordkeeping
- Procedures for purchasing and receiving radioactive materials
- Surveys and contamination testing
- User training
- Waste Disposal and Annual RAM Storage Inventory Reporting
The California RHB requires that users of radioactive materials (RAM) post certain information.
- Notice to Employees - Standards for Protection Against Radiation (4/17)
- Emergency Procedures for Radioactive Materials Incidents
- Radioactive Materials Work Rules
- "Caution: Radioactive Materials" sign on entry doors
Provide access to both the state and federal regulations governing the use of radioactive material and make them available to all workers. This web page provides access to these regulations.
SF State RAM Locations
- Main Campus: Thornton Hall 124, Hensill Hall 123 and 123B
- Tiburon Campus: RadWaste Trailer and Building 36 Rm 106 (update pending)
Radiation-Producing Devices
Every radiation-producing device (i.e., x-ray machines and electron microscopes) must be registered with the CA RHB. Annual registration fees are applied. Acquisition of new radiation-producing devices must be approved by the RSO (or the EH&S Director if the RSO is not available). Contact the RSO (or EH&S) before discarding or re-locating a registered radiation producing device, as the RHB must be notified.
- Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) submits changes to the machine inventory to RHB
- Periodic surveys to check for radiation leaks
- Update RSO when machines are moved, transferred or disposed of
For more information, check the X-ray Device Safety web page.
The CA RHB requires that locations with x-ray-producing devices have certain postings visible to occupants.
- Notice to Employees - Standards for Protection Against Radiation (4/17)
- X-ray Caution Sign on entry doors
- X-ray Caution Label on equipment producing x-ray radiation
SF State Locations
Main Campus: Thornton Hall 124, 615, 828, Hensill Hall 830D, 109 (update pending)