Regulatory Inspections - What To Do

As part of its normal operations, SFSU engages in activities that are regulated by Federal, State, and
Local agencies. By law, these agencies are required to conduct inspections to ensure compliance with
agency regulations

What To Do When the Inspector Arrives

  1. Be polite.
  2. Establish their credentials - Ask for a business card (if the inspector does not offer first).
  3. Based on the agency, locate and contact the appropriate contact person.
  4. Let the contact person know where and when they are to meet the inspector.
  5. Contact EH&S immediately for assistance and let the inspector know who is coming to meet them.

Who to Call for a Particular Inspection

View the list of EH&S contacts, regulatory agencies, and inspection subjects

How to Prepare and Respond

View EH&S Practice Directive - How to Prepare and Respond to Regulatory Inspections

View EH&S Practice Directive - Requested Documents and their Location for Regulatory Inspections