Laser Safety Program

The primary objectives of the SFSU laser safety program are to minimize contact with skin or eyes and to control fire risks and other collateral hazards. All laser users must establish standard operating procedures and setup their equipment in a way that meets these objectives.

This Laser Safety Program applies to the use of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers and laser systems used in research and instructional laboratories and elsewhere at San Francisco State University (SFSU).

Laser safety requires that all lasers and laser systems be operated in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136.1-2014– Safe Use of Lasers. This standard is referenced by Cal/OSHA as the basis for evaluating laser-related occupational issues. The Laser Safety Program is based on the ANSI standard and programs from other respected universities. The (ANSI) Z136.5-2009 – Safe Use of Lasers in Educational Institutions standard is also referenced.

Laser Safety Program Elements

All purchases of a Class 3B or Class 4 must be approved by EH&S before Procurement will allow the purchase to go through.

Purchasing Restricted Chemicals or Equipment process

The campus Laser Safety Officer (LSO) must be informed by the PI or Laser Supervisor of the acquisition, modification, sale, or transfer of any Class 3B or 4 lasers. Other classes of lasers are not controlled in this manner.

Notify the LSO of all changes concerning all Class 3B or Class 4 laser/laser systems:

  • Acquisitions - complete and submit an LUA application form; or
  • Transfers from the jurisdiction of one PI to another PI on or off campus; or
  • Disposal or selling of the equipment.

All Class 3B or 4 lasers systems are required to be registered. If you are unsure of your status, please contact Linda Vadura, campus Laser Safety Officer (LSO) at or the Main EHS Office at . Laser pointers, Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3R are exempt from this requirement.

Completing the Laser Use Authorization form and submitting it to the LSO, will also register your laser.

Obtaining a Laser Use Authorization (LUA)

  1. Please submit a Laser Use Authorization (LUA) form to the Laser Safety Officer (LSO).
  2. The LSO will review the application and inform the applicant of the safety requirements under the specific LUA.
  3. The LUA is then signed by the LSO and the Chair of the Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee (NIRC).


The holder of the LUA is the Laser Supervisor.

All users of the laser, including the PI, are required to be trained.

Notify the LSO whenever there are changes to the LUA and

  • Whenever there are changes to the authorized user list
  • If the laser is moved or changes are made to how it is used
  • If a laser is discarded and must be removed from the inventory

To get started, fill out the New Laser User Registration form and ask the laser supervisor to sign it. This allows EH&S to add you to the program and schedule training.

To get authorized, all of this documentation must be on file with the LSO.



After the LSO receives the completed and signed New User Registration form, initial laser safety training will be assigned or scheduled. Training will either be done online or in-person.

After the initial safety training is completed, the Laser Supervisor or designee must provide in-person training on the equipment. Signing off on the On-the-Job Training form verifies that the laser supervisor has ensured the user has attained a sufficient level of competence.

Refresher Training

All laser users, including PIs and Laser Supervisors, are required to refresh their knowledge of laser safety every three years (from initial training).

Upon approval from the LSO, certain laser users may be exempt from refresher training.

  • users who only use the equipment when the laser beam is totally enclosed
  • users who do not perform alignment
  • the system has a functioning interlock that will turn off the beam if the enclosure is opened or removed


A Laser Supervisor is a faculty or staff employee that holds the Laser Use Authorization and is responsible for the laser equipment and its use.

While the on-the-job training can be performed by a designee, the Laser Supervisor must ultimately sign the form as the responsible person.